In case you missed anything, here’s an overview of the past week:
Welcome to the 7th Friday Special:
This week was kind to your favorite lateral thinking newsletter.
We grew from 1.329 subscribers to 1.686 in less than a week.
This is the 50th (🎉) email I’m sending. That means we’re gaining an average of 33.72 subscribers per sendout.
To those of you who are 0.72 of a person, I’m deeply sorry.
Open rate varies, but it’s generally around 45-55%. These Friday Specials seem to be really appreciated, so I’m glad you like them (I also love Fridays, what a coincidence).
That’s it for this week’s performance report, let’s get into it:
Traffic was up by even 38% for news websites when Facebook was down. As a shock to virtually no one, social media makes us think we’re smarter than we actually are
So maybe it’s worth paying more attention not to those who speak the loudest, but to those who listen (sometimes in silence).
Be it in business or life, we tend to take things personally almost all the time. If they affect others, they should “stop being emotional”, but when it’s about us, it’s obviously different (hint: it’s not).
We’re wired to look at the world like we’re in the center of it. Here’s how to work on that. Moreover, make sure to never say “don’t take this personal” unless you want to make sure someone takes that personally.
The happiest people I know are the ones who know how to enjoy and focus on the things in front of them, even if they’re temporary
Research shows that Gen Z and Millennials are the most stressed out generations. I’d wager to say they’re not, they’re just the ones who are most open to talk about that and work on improving their lives.
So plan for the worst, but live in the present.
Otherwise, you’ll end up freezing up and always thinking about what’s next instead of enjoying the theoretical milk & honey in front of you.
Hope you have a blast of a weekend!
Amazing growth!