You thought I was gonna miss today’s lateral blast (so did I). Coming in your inbox later than usual with an easy one:
Two men are playing chess. They play 5 games. Each wins 3 games. How is that possible?
Answer, as usual, at the end.
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On an unrelated note, I love how all I have to do is say “this is an easy one” to make everyone sweat about getting it right.
What doesn’t kill you, leaves you broken and in a wheelchair
Resilience is an amazing trait. It helps you in times of need, which is why it’s an especially popular in Eastern Europe and other communities with a rougher past few decades.
In general, I’ve noticed resilience, usually associated with willpower, is seen as an infinite resource.
It’s a “talent”. You either have it or you don’t.
But I’ve noticed people who treat it like a limited resource usually live happier lives.
Because it looks like it is finite.
Instead of making your life harder on purpose (which, oh boy, is a national sport in some countries), try to create a context where you don’t have to use willpower to get through the day.
Make it easier on yourself.
Just because you can stand tough times, doesn’t mean you should do it every day.
You’re not better because you handle tough times all the time. You’re just wasting effort by not creating a more favorable environment for yourself.
Answer: They were playing with different people.