In case you missed anything, here’s an overview of the past lateral week:
Finding your demon (and slaying it, queeeeen)
Welcome to the 9th Friday Special:
I’d say we had a normal week, newsletter wise. Content wise I’m not very happy with what I put out these past days, but I have been traveling so I’m gonna blame this one that.
Business is also booming (here’s us on Snoop Dogg’s Instagram if you wanna have a laugh), so my focus on the newsletter has been wavering a little. But regardless, we move forward.
Gained about 60 subscribers this week (welcome, y’all!) for a total of 1,863 subscribers. Open rates have stabilized at about 45%. I probably need to start sharing these on social media, since I’ve barely been doing that.
At the same time, I don’t really mind hitting a plateau, I like the idea of having a small but engaged group of people to lateral thinking with.
Anyway, here’s 3 things that came to mind this week but didn’t make the newsletter:
We often put up with people we don’t like or that we don’t have chemistry with because we feel we need to. Except when you’re literally just starting out, this rarely has a positive outcome for you.
If your gut’s telling you that a certain someone is not fit for you (be it in life or in business), don’t ignore it.
Talking and communication are two different things
I know people who talk a lot. I also know people who are really good at communicating. These people are often entirely different species.
Be worse at talking and better at communicating. Learn to summarize and get to the core of an idea. This will help you in life regardless of your path.
Victim Olympics
It’s important to point out when someone is being mistreated. It’s also important to realize when you’re being mistreated. However, it’s equally important not to turn this into a competition.
People have their own internal struggle. Incredibly successful people have committed suicide because they were unhappy. Others who barely make end’s meet are filled with energy.
Defend yourself when you feel you’re a victim. But if you feel your whole life is about that, you’re probably in the Victim Olympics.
I’ll most likely cover this at length in another email, since it’s bound to piss people off.
That’s it for this week. I hope your days have been easy and your thinking lateral.
Catch you all on Monday!